US Patent Search and Prosecution Company

Our Customers

Serving entrepreneurs, businesses, innovators, inventorsIM000734, scientists, programmers, monitor engineers, hobbyists, professionals, A+ technical specialists, garage mechanics IM000653and intellectual property lawyers pillar

for patent searches, new patent applications and patent prosecution.


Specialties in the fields of electronics,
electronic circuits (logic, amplifier, tuners, detectors, comparators), communications, computers, software, business methods, etc.


Who we are

We are USPTO registered patent agent and attorneys and/or former patent examiners
We have full or advanced EE degrees and Industry experience

Patent work will be performed by a professional with many years of experience.
We are located near the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, Virginia U.S.A. to provide the best resources provided by USPTO

© 2002 - 2009 Richard Roseen at Patentabilities